Our love for you, oh Lord Jesus...
Our life journey is from 'I' to 'We'... Our life journey is from not knowing to knowing. Our life journey is from mistakes to not making them. Only then we can be on this spiritual journey to accomplish what we are here for. To be self-realized and to be merging into God's love now and forever. Caring, guiding, loving, forgiving, educating, patience and selfless that we have to learn to be. Be God-fearing and God-loving. Remember, we are all a spark of divinity and are embodiment of LOVE! Romancing with YOU, oh Lord... Love love love...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
That hand that suffered for the Lord will one day receive the grace that will flow with the medicine that heals upon its touch...
The one that has opened the hands of possession and spit, forever, the coins of gold and have taken upon it to bear and endure the fires of misery - to wash the pus-filled wounds of the leper - to uplift and save the ones that sink in the quick sand of selfishness - to stroke the cheek of the one that slaps - that hand will, one day, receive the grace that will flow with the medicine that heals upon its touch.